Monday 26 May 2008

Charles Chaplin paintings

Charles Chaplin paintings
Diane Romanello paintings
Diego Rivera paintings
Don Li-Leger paintings
That's all right then -- and here comes your little friend. Have you brought me some nice fresh water?" he asked as Heidi handed him a glass.
"Yes, fresh from the pump," answered Heidi.
"You did not go yourself to the pump?" said Clara.
"Yes I did; it is quite fresh. I had to go a long way, for there were such a lot of people at the first pump; so I went further down the street, but there were just as many at the second pump, but I was able to get some water at the one in the next street, and the gentleman with the white hair asked me to give his kind regards to Herr Sesemann."
"You have had quite a successful expedition," said Herr Sesemann laughing, "and who was the gentleman?"
"He was passing, and when he saw me he stood still and said, `As you have a glass will you give me a drink; to whom are you taking the water?' and when I said, `To Herr Sesemann,' he laughed very much, and then he gave me that message for you, and also said he hoped you would enjoy the water."
"Oh, and who was it, I wonder, who sent me such

1 comment:

shaopeng.cai said...

Charles Chaplin paintings"