Monday 18 August 2008

Amedeo Modigliani Caryatid 1 painting

Amedeo Modigliani Caryatid 1 paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Summer paintingAlphonse Maria Mucha Spring painting
been. Come, then. Come with me."
So they began their new journey, which took them in its time in and out of most of the folds of the sweet, wicked, wrinkled world, and so at last to their own strange and wonderful destiny. But that was all later, and first, not ten minutes out of Lir's kingdom, they met a maiden who came hurrying toward them on foot. Her dress was torn and smirched, but
the richness of its making was still plain to see, and though her hair was tumbled and brambled, her arms scratched, and her fair face dirty, there was no mistaking her for anyone but a princess in woeful distress. Schmendrick lighted down to support her, and she clutched him with both hands as though he were a grapefruit hull.
"A rescue!" she cried to him, "a rescue, au secours! An ye be a man of mettle and sympathy, aid me now. I hight the Princess Alison Jocelyn, daughter to good King Giles, and him foully murdered by his brother, the bloody Duke Wulf, who hath ta'en my three brothers, the Princes Corin, Colin, and Calvin, and cast them into a fell prison as hostages that I will wed with his fat son, the Lord Dudley, but I bribed the sentinel and sopped the dogs—"
But Schmendrick the Magician raised his hand, and she fell silent

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