Friday 5 September 2008

Carl Fredrik Aagard paintings

Carl Fredrik Aagard paintings
Caravaggio paintings
Claude Lorrain paintings
George Herrold is a booksweep," he began. "These stacks here are so small and used so little, we don't really need them, but I told Chancellor Rexford when he asked me, 'If you're going to keep the goat-branch open for my sake, hire George Herrold for the janitor. He didn't deserve what happened to him any more than I did.'
"What it used to be, Billy, fifteen years ago he was Chief Booksweep in the Main Stacks of New Tammany. I knew George there in the last years of the Riot, when I was helping turn WESCAC into a weapon to EAT the Bonifacists with. . ."
"What's this WESCAC everybody talks about?" I demanded. "Some kind of troll, that eats everybody up?"
Max nodded. "That's just right, Bill. WESCAC is worse than anything in the storybooks: what would you think of a herd of goats that learned how to make a troll all by themselves, that could eat up the University in half an hour?"
"Why would they do that?" I wanted to know.

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