Wednesday 10 December 2008

Claude Monet Still Life With Melon painting

Claude Monet Still Life With Melon paintingFabian Perez white and red paintingFabian Perez Flamenco Dancer paintingJohannes Vermeer Girl with a Red Hat painting
Hazard had been born Lester, but he loathed his given name. He didn’t like Les any better. He thought the shortened version sounded like an insult.“I’m not less of anything than you are,” he’d once said to Ethan, but affably.Indeed, at six feet four and 240 pounds, with a shaved head that appeared to be as big as a basketball and a neck only slightly narrower than the span of his ears, Hazard Yancy was nobody’s idea of a poster child for minimalism.“Fact is, I’m more of a lot of things than some people. Like more determined, more fun, more colorful, more likely to make stupid choices in women, more likely to be shot in the ass. My folks should have named me More Yancy. I could’ve lived with that.”When he had been a teenager and a young man, his friends had called him Brick, a reference to the fact that he was built like a brick wall.[41] Nobody in Robbery/Homicide had called him Brick in twenty years. On the force, he was known as Hazard because working a case in tandem with him could be as hazardous as driving a dynamite

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