Wednesday 3 December 2008

John Collier Lady Godiva painting

John Collier Lady Godiva paintingCaravaggio Supper at Emmaus painting
Frodo was glad that it had been abandoned.`From signs that we have seen lately,' said Gandalf, 'I fear that the Redhorn Gate may be watched; and also I have doubts of the weather that is coming up behind. Snow may come. We must go with all the speed that we can. Even so it will take us more than two marches before we reach the top of the pass. Dark will come early this evening. We must leave as soon as you can get ready.''I will add a word of advice, if I may,' said Boromir. 'I was born under the shadow of the White Mountains and know something of journeys in the high places. We shall meet bitter cold, if no worse, before we come down on the other side. It will not help us to keep so secret that we are frozen to death. When we leave here, where there are still a few trees and bushes, each of us should carry a faggot of wood, as large as he can bear.''And Bill could take a bit more, couldn't you lad?' said Sam. The
Caravaggio Judith Beheading Holofernes paintingPierre-Auguste Cot spring painting
the late afternoon, while the others were finishing their breakfast, Gandalf and Aragorn went aside together and stood looking at Caradhras. Its sides were now dark and sullen, and its head was in grey cloud. Frodo watched them, wondering which way the debate would go. When they returned to the Company Gandalf spoke, and then he knew that it had been decided to face the weather and the high pass. He was relieved. He could not guess what was the other dark and secret way, but the very mention of it had seemed to fill Aragorn with dismay, and pony looked at him mournfully.'Very well,' said Gandalf. `But we must not use the wood – not unless it is a choice between fire and death.'The Company set out again with good speed at first; but soon their way became steep and difficult

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