Tuesday 3 February 2009

William Bouguereau The Wasp's Nest

William Bouguereau The Wasp's NestWilliam Bouguereau The Nut GatherersWilliam Bouguereau Nymphs and Satyr.
been out of England, so he couldn't compare it with anywhere he knew, but it was the kind of place where people came out late at night to eat and drink, to dance and enjoy music. Except that there was no one here, and the silence from the cooler behind the bar and then thought for a moment before dropping a pound coin in the till. As soon as he'd shut the till, he opened it again, realizing that the money in there might say what this place was called. The currency was called the corona, but he couldn't tell any more than that.
He put the money back and opened the bottle on the opener fixed to the counter before leaving the café and wandering down the street going away was immense.On the first corner he reached there stood a café, with little green tables on the pavement and a zinc-topped bar and an espresso machine. On some of the tables glasses stood half-empty; in one ashtray a cigarette had burned down to the butt; a plate of risotto stood next to a basket of stale rolls as hard as cardboard.He took a bottle of lemonade

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