Tuesday 3 March 2009

Jean Fragonard The Fountain of Love

Jean Fragonard The Fountain of LoveJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Valencia's PortJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida The Pink RobeJoaquin Sorolla y Bastida Port of Valencia
, well,' said Twoflower enthusiastically, 'apparently there's this ceremony dating back for thousands of years to celebrate the, um, rebirth of the moon, or possibly the sun. No, I'm pretty certain it's the moon. Apparently it's very solemn and beautiful and invested with a quiet dignity.'
Rincewind shivered. He always began to worry when Twoflower started to talk like that. At least he hadn't said 'But—'
'Don't offer to buy the stones.'
'But I-'
'Don't start talking about quaint native folkways.'
'I thought—'
'Really don't try to
'picturesque' or 'quaint' yet; Rincewind had never found a satisfactory translation for those words, but the nearest he had been able to come was 'trouble'.'I wish the Luggage was here,' said the tourist regretfully. 'I could use my picture box. It sounds very quaint and picturesque.'The crowd stirred expectantly. Apparently things were about to start.'Look,' said Rincewind urgently. 'Druids are priests. You must remember that. Don't do anything to upset them.'

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