Tuesday 31 March 2009

Salvador Dali Meditation on the Harp

Salvador Dali Meditation on the HarpSalvador Dali Galatea of the SpheresSalvador Dali GalarinaSalvador Dali Figure at a Window ISalvador Dali Corpus Hypercubus
only get one chance, he thought, and then you die.
He pulled off his shirt and wrapped it around his hand. Then he reached out for the flashing line of the film itself, and gripped it.
It ‘No,’ he said.
There were still images there. They weren’t very clear, but he could still make out the vague shapes of himself and Ginger, hanging on to existence. And the screen itself was moving. It bulged here and there, like ripples of a pool of dull mercury. It looked unpleasantly familiar.
‘They’ve found us,’ he said.
‘Who have?’ said Gaspode.
‘You know those ghastly creatures you were talking about?’snapped. The box jerked backwards. Film went on unreeling in glittering coils which lunged at him briefly and then slithered down to the floor.Clickaclick . . . a . . . click.The reels spun to a halt.Victor cautiously stirred the heap of film with his foot. He’d been half expecting it to attack him like a snake.‘Have we saved the day?’ prompted Gaspode. ‘I’d ap­preciate knowing.’Victor looked at the screen.

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