Wednesday 25 March 2009

Winslow Homer The Herring Net

Winslow Homer The Herring NetWinslow Homer The Fog WarningWinslow Homer Rowing HomeWinslow Homer Kissing the MoonWinslow Homer Gloucester Harbor
Silverfish said, ‘I really don’t think there’s any call for that.’
‘I’m sorry, Mr Silverfish,’ Victor pleaded. ‘I’m really not that kind of person but you did say and I’ve walked all
‘A waclerk?’ said Silverfish.
‘I don’t know if I’d be any good at acting, though,’ Victor confessed.
Silverfish looked surprised. ‘Oh, you’ll be OK,’ he said. ‘It’s very hard to be bad at acting in moving pictures.’
He fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a dollar coin.
‘Here,’ he said, ‘go and get something to eat.’ this way and I haven’t got any money and I’m hungry and I’ll do anything you’ve got. Anything at all. Please.’ Silverfish looked at him doubtfully. ‘Even acting?’ he said. ‘Pardon?’ ‘Moving about and pretending to do things,’ said Silverfish helpfully. ‘Yes!’. ‘Seems a shame, a bright, well-educated lad like you,’ said Silverfish. ‘What do you do?’ ‘I’m studying to be a w–,’ Victor began. He remembered Silverfish’s antipathy towards wizardry, and corrected himself, ‘a clerk.’

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