Monday 13 April 2009

John Constable Flatford Mill

John Constable Flatford MillJohn William Waterhouse The Magic CircleJohn William Waterhouse Pandora
he said, nodding. "How wonderful of the Great God to put such instructive examples in our path."
"The trick is to judge the strength of the wave," said Fri'it. "And ride it."
"What happens to those who don't?"
"They drown. Often. Some of the waves are very big."
"Such is oftenin class. But the tutor priests weren't too strict with him. After all, he had arrived word­-perfect in every Book of the Septateuch and knew all the prayers and hymns off by heart, thanks to grandmother. They probably assumed he was being useful. Usefully doing something no one else wanted to do.
He hoed the bean rows for the look of the thing. The Great God Om, although currently the nature of waves, I understand."The eagle was still circling. If it had understood anything, then it wasn't showing it."Useful facts to bear in mind," said Drunah, with sudden brightness. "If ever one should find oneself in heathen parts.""Indeed." From prayer towers up and down the contours of the Citadel the deacons chanted the duties of the hour.Brutha should have been

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