Monday 14 July 2008

Diego Rivera paintings

Diego Rivera paintings
Don Li-Leger paintings
and Means Committee, said that no matter how politicians change Social Security, any overhaul package should also look for ways to increase private savings and pensions, which make up a larger share of retirement income for many Americans.Thomas also said Congress should change Social Security to fix inequities that penalize beneficiaries such as widows and working women. He said merely adjusting the system to reflect the increased number of working women would represent a "major societal leap into the 21st century."Thomas' comments came after a six-hour hearing that launched the panel's first major review of Social Security in a generation. Thomas gave his clearest description yet of how he would overhaul the nation's retirement system. Without change, the New Deal program will exhaust its trust fund by the middle of the century, and workers' payroll taxes will be able to support only 70%-80% of promised benefits.

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