Thursday 11 September 2008

picture of last supper

picture of last supperlady with fantwo girls with an oleander

the Belfry with his tramp of a wife, I had another think coming. . .
"I'm not the one she's to meet there," I interrupted pleasantly; "it's Harold Bray."
He managed to accuse me of jealousy and mendacity, but I saw he was alarmed.
"I'm going to drive Bray out," I told him. "Among other things."wise. Things look different to a fellow's been through what I been through. I got a long ways to go."
"Pass you!" I declared.
"Into first grade,"he added wryly. "I might Graduate yet, one of these days. But the odds ain't much."
"They never are! Look for me at Founder's Hill tomorrow."
He now wept freely, and his wounded eye bled a little onto his cheeks. He supposed with a laugh that he'd have no more hallucinations, at least, and wondered aloud whether a mixture of blood and tears might be good
"I'll bet you are. So you can take his place!"
I shrugged. "One thing at a time."
He glared at me furiously. "

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